One of the risks of running trackdays, but I have to say, that was some bad luck to have the tank rip open like that., at least I am assuming thats what happened when the handlebars tank-slapped.
Basically our server allows teams to pull information for their drivers. That takes bandwidth, bandwidth we don't really have so Sam had to take steps so we can control the amount of bandwidth being used for looking up license information for team members.
Get out of your little box of thinking for yourself and think of the bigger picture, I am on about spectators and LFS being used in streams and TV deals, a bit different than your local homegrown server, sorry.
Server side ads for the regular server won't mean much, but with servers and events with substancial userbase the numbers could be significant and bring in a potential to increase the service provided on those servers even farther.
I challenge you, imagine any race event, both LFS and Real life, without quality adverts and banners and ads.
Yes a quality control measure would have to be implemented, but think about it, all the cars would be like normal cars, no stickers, just the paint. BORING
Second think of trackside banners, yes there is a possiblity that they could be tacky and tastless, but on the whole the track wouldn't look like a track without banners pasted everywhere.
Take off all the ads you see at a track and remove them, what would it look like? Promotion within LFS is already present, just look at the cars, buildings, and bilboards the only difference now is that they are REAL banners with REAL companies, and they are PAYING for them, no brainer myself, which if anything would increase the quality on quality servers, and vice versa. It will add character to otherwise exactly the same tracks and the server admins personality can be reflected through the use of adverts, which IMO is a good thing.
I disagree somewhat, LFS IS ready for a mass rollout in it's current stage. It offers some great gameplay and good graphics. It also has some nice unique features. LFS IMO could easily be placed on the market and snatched up. Rock steady connection on the internet, Out of the 5 years I have played LFS I can count on a single hand how many times it has locked on me, which I cannot say about every other commercially available sim out on the market today.
It's not ready because the devs are not happy currently with the current build. It doesn't have the features they would like to see or the content to be considered 'finalized' and because of that they refuse to place it on the market, which is IMO is a good move based on what LFS is trying to accomplish.
IMO LFS is not trying to make X amount of dollars, which lets face it every other game available on the market is about. Sure we pay for LFS, but it's pennies and is just enough so that the devs live comfortably while they produce their love.
Money is the main goal for any product released commerically. If they were not interested in money they wouldn't feel the need to release it in a commercial manner.
Has to be the Wii for me. The gameplay is fun, and you get a little exercise. The gameplay is original and unique. The graphics are good, you can go for the flashy graphics if you want, but they don't do it for me sorry. I would rather have the fun in playing something truly differnt with a new way to control video gaming.
LOL Sorry about that, didn't notice the printer was out of ink, it's old and didn't warn me... knowing my brother it's been out 6 months and the warning light burned out...
It's just going to happen I am afraid when you get big grids and drivers unfamiliar with grids and starts. If there was some training available that would help drivers with completing T1 that will help, but sadly currently the only way to practice is to do it 'live' on the servers, and some drivers learn faster than others.
Reports help the problem, but it's not the end solution. But saying that a good driver will almost always find themselves driving around wrecks. Most wrecks are avoidable, even T1 wrecks with the proper awareness, but that can only be learned with experience.
For you guys in the mid field the only words of advice I can give currently is brake early, and brake soft. Get those brake lights on so that the driver behind you has time to get the light to register in their brain and get them to get the brakes on. It will help. Another bit is to get on the inside, wreckers usually end up wide =) the last bit is patience, a 2-5 position drop off T1 is not as severe as a DNF.
Tier 1 is a harsh environment, but it's going to be when the drivers ability range from literally nothing other than NFS, to a seasoned professional sim racer.
Hey thanks for your query, I have checked out everything about you and I predict that your ideal job Christopher James Raemisch is an Emperor of all the world. Good luck in your new career.
I drag race from time to time in RL and I would love to see it in the CTRA. Right now however there just isn't enough variables to make drag racing as challenging as it can be in real life.
You don't have to stage, you don't have water pits to go into/avoid. The track surfaces don't change, VHT isn't added changing traction for every launch, and parts need to fail to name a few. As I crossed the line at over 100mph the guy next to me dropped a prop shaft IIRC, try dodging one of those, still have chips from the little metal bits in my hood/bonnet...
Once these things are added to make drag racing more challenging I think we will consider it, but not until then. Right now it's too mash and go with no challenge, you don't have to slide the clutch in really and weather conditions don't change to alter your performance.
I am with Sam, there is nothing wrong with it IMO. The main reason for having the National championships was to break it down into regions so have a few drivers in that couldn't be fit into another series if fine by me.
BTW OT Sam but I landed safe and am home, have a severe thunderstorm on the way with a tornado watch out and so far the thunderstorm is creating golf ball size hail, should be interesting =)
Wow 5 pages already ZZZZzzzz I skimmed through the first page and gave up. If people are going to be ignorant and believe some whacked out theory be my guest, BTW you see that shiny new button on the other side of cliff? Yeah that one. Could you go get it for me please? Oh don't worry you can walk on air, there is an invisible force at work and you will be safe....
Think about it a second, take a bit plastic, some form of hard plastic that is bendable by hand, bend it in half, bend it in half the other way, repeat quickly until the plastic breaks and feel the break edge.
When metal bends a by-product of this is heat. I am not saying if it's enough to melt metal, but there will be heat readily available when tons of concrete are mixed in with steel and they fall many stories.
Because there were less than 22 UK/IRE drivers before the season start they were allowed to enter, this was decided shortly before signups closed so we knew we had enough room for them. Next season, when/if the numbers increase they will not be allowed to enter into the UK division and will have to enter into a different division, and they should be already aware of this.
If we do fill the grid throughout the season, they will be allowed to finish. They have precidence over any driver entering midway through a season and will only be asked to leave after the championship season has been run.